
Scottish Connections (diaspora) work: qualitative research

Reports on findings from qualitative research looking at what successful a diaspora engagement strategy should consider and include. Provides a synthesis of existing evidence and an analysis of data from interviews and focus groups with key diaspora stakeholders.

1. Introduction

This research was commissioned by the Scottish Government in order to answer questions on what a successful diaspora strategy might look like, drawing on the experiences and expertise of key stakeholders, such as policy makers, officials and diaspora groups and organisations. It has been carried out to help inform the development of the Scottish Government's strategy on engaging with the diaspora, as part of Scottish Connections. This is linked to the Programme for Government 2021-22 commitment to 'engage with our Scottish Connections international community and expand on our work with Scottish diaspora networks across the world'.

Specifically, the work had three overall aims:

  • Building on an earlier literature review,[1] to conduct qualitative research with key stakeholders regarding diaspora engagement strategies within certain states or sub-states to further interrogate earlier recommendations;
  • Conducting qualitative research with key stakeholders in Scotland involved in engaging with diaspora, and representatives from Scottish diaspora groups, to assess current approaches;
  • Providing a robust analysis of the evidence gathered, in order to identify specific recommendations and actions, including suggested approaches and priorities.

The research was carried out between March and July 2022 by Professor Murray Stewart Leith and Dr Duncan Sim of the University of the West of Scotland.



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