Livestock feed controls review: consultation

This consultation focuses on the risk of spreading Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in livestock feed. The Scottish Government wish to ensure that these controls continue to be effective, proportionate, and based on the latest scientific evidence.

1. Legal position of PAP use in animal feed in GB

Not legal in GB (NL)

Proposed changes (P)

Legal for use in GB (L)

Product of animal origin Ruminant Pig Poultry Fish Other Pets
Ruminant PAP including ruminant blood meal NL NL NL NL NL L
Blood products from ruminants NL NL NL NL NL L
Gelatine and collagen from ruminants NL P P P P L
Hydrolysed proteins from ruminant tissues other than hides and skins NL NL NL NL NL L
Non-ruminant PAP including non-ruminant blood meal but excluding fishmeal, porcine and poultry PAP NL NL NL L NL L
Poultry PAP NL P NL L NL L
Porcine PAP NL NL P L NL L
Insect PAP NL P P L NL L
Fishmeal from farmed fish NL L L L L L
Blood products from non-ruminants NL L L L L L
Di and tricalcium phosphate of animal origin NL L L L L L
Other animal proteins not listed NL L L L L L
Hydrolysed proteins from non-ruminants or from ruminant hides and skins L L L L L L
Gelatine and collagen from non-ruminants L L L L L L
Egg, egg products, milk, milk products and colostrum L L L L L L



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