Livestock Feed Controls in Scotland review Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)

This consultation focuses on the risk of spreading Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in livestock feed. The Scottish Government wish to ensure that these controls continue to be effective, proportionate, and based on the latest scientific evidence.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to report on and assess against any potential data protection impacts as a result of the consultation on review of livestock feed controls in Scotland.

Document metadata

1.1 Name of policy/project/initiative: Review of livestock feed controls Scotland

1.2 Date of report: September 2024

1.3 Version number: 1.0

1.4 Author of report: Nathan Liddle

1.5 Name of information asset owner (IAO) of relevant business unit: Nathan Liddle

1.6 Date for review of DPIA

Review date: 1 year from closing of the consultation

Details of update: After 12 months, a review will take place to determine whether the data collected needs to be retained or destroyed. If it is decided that there is no rationale to justify continuing to hold the data, then it will be destroyed. If it is decided that there is justification to continue to hold the data then it can be held until a further review 12 months later.

Completion date

Approval Date



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