Livestock Feed Controls in Scotland review Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)

This consultation focuses on the risk of spreading Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in livestock feed. The Scottish Government wish to ensure that these controls continue to be effective, proportionate, and based on the latest scientific evidence.

8. Authorisation and publication

The DPIA report should be signed by your information asset owner (IAO). The IAO will be the Deputy Director or Head of Division.

  • Before signing the DPIA report, an IAO should ensure that she/he is satisfied that the impact assessment is robust, has addressed all the relevant issues and that appropriate actions have been taken.
  • By signing the DPIA report, the IAO is confirming that the impact of applying the policy/undertaking the project or initiative etc has been sufficiently assessed against the risk to individuals’ rights and freedoms.
  • The results of the impact assessment must be published in the eRDM with the phrase “DPIA report” and the name of the project or initiative in the title.
  • Details of any relevant information asset must be added to the Information Asset Register, with a note that a DPIA has been conducted.

I confirm that the impact of undertaking the consultation has been sufficiently assessed against the rights of the data subjects (people):

Name and job title of an IAO or equivalent: Shelia Voas, Chief Veterinary Officer (Scotland)

Date each version authorised: Version 1 – 1/9/24



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