
Living and Dying Well: Building on Progress

Living and Dying Well: Building on Progress records the progress which has been made towards achieving the aims of Living and Dying Well, and sets out the next phase of actions required by NHS Boards working with stakeholders.

4 NHS Board implementation of Living and Dying Well

25 NHS Board implementation of Living and Dying Well1 has been characterised by the ongoing and enthusiastic involvement of those concerned at every level of operation, and the high level of progress achieved has been due in no small measure to this widespread sense of engagement and commitment. NHS Board Palliative and End of Life Care Executive Leads have established appropriate infrastructures and communication mechanisms with their clinical communities, and many have adopted an integrated approach to the implementation of Living and Dying Well1 and related national policy areas, such as Long Term Conditions 5, Better Together10 and the Scottish Patient Safety Programme11.NHS Board Executive Leads, IT Leads and Resuscitation Leads have also contributed through their engagement with and support of National Clinical Leads in the development of the ePCS and the National DNACPR Integrated Adult Policy as well as to the overall implementation of Living and Dying Well1.

26 Each NHS Board has also identified a palliative and end of life care education champion to liaise with NHS Education for Scotland and to facilitate the spreading and sharing of good practice. Facilitators to support and cascade the implementation of advance/anticipatory planning have also been identified. NES provides support and resources for these education champions and facilitators, potentially enhancing the local delivery of education and training related to Living and Dying Well1 within NHS Boards.

27 All NHS Boards were asked to submit Living and Dying Well1 delivery plans against the actions required in March 2009 and to review progress in October 2009. These reviews demonstrate that substantial progress has been achieved across Scotland against all of the relevant actions in Living and Dying Well1. Many of the developments and recommendations outlined in Living and Dying Well: Building on Progress will contribute to the continuing efforts of NHS Boards in this regard.

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