
Living with flooding: action plan

Living with flooding recommends actions for a range of stakeholders to take to help promote property flood resilience in Scotland.

Building property flood resilience in the wider policy context

This Action Plan is a requirement of the Programme for Government in Scotland 2018-19[2]. It also helps deliver Scottish Government strategic objectives and national outcomes; in particular, the outcome:

“We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe.”

The Action Plan also supports the Scottish Government’s Resilient Communities Strategic Framework and Delivery Plan for 2017 – 2021[5] by aiming to create the conditions in which ‘Communities, individuals and organisations harness resources and expertise to help themselves, assess and understand risk, take appropriate measures to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies,
in a way that complements the work of the emergency responders.’(p2)

Additionally, the Action Plan will be relevant to the outcomes in the second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme, and it embraces the Scottish Government’s circular economy strategy[6], encouraging the efficient use and recycling of materials and building methods to reduce waste.



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