
Local action to tackle food insecurity: summary of activities, trends and learning

This report summarises the activities delivered by local authorities using flexible funding streams on financial insecurity over October 2020 – March 2021, and highlights trends and learning to enhance future policy and practice.

Reporting and practice development approach

Reporting and payment arrangements varied between different allocations of funding. These were agreed with COSLA through the Settlement and Distribution Group and a suspension of reporting in December was agreed between the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and COSLA Resources Spokesperson.

Alongside this, officials worked closely with local authority leads to gain a deeper understanding of delivery, as well as providing practical assistance to local partners in problem solving and good practice development. This took the form of semi-structured meetings and ongoing information exchange.

An initial report of activities utilising the Food Fund and Food and Other Essentials Fund was produced in May 2020 and circulated to local leads in agreement with COSLA. Local authorities reported that this was a useful and practical resource which shaped activities from June 2020 onwards.

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