
Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland - Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2013

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey 2013, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in Scotland.

Table 8: Levels and proportion of 16-19 year olds Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), Scotland, 2004-2013

Male Female Total
Level Rate Level Rate Level Rate
2004 16,000 11.9% 15,000 11.5% 31,000 11.7%
2005 19,000 14.4% 17,000 13.3% 36,000 13.9%
2006 17,000 13.0% 13,000 10.3% 30,000 11.7%
2007 15,000 11.3% 14,000 10.7% 29,000 11.0%
2008 16,000 11.6% 14,000 11.2% 30,000 11.4%
2009 19,000 14.2% 14,000 11.3% 33,000 12.8%
2010 20,000 15.0% 16,000 12.4% 36,000 13.7%
2011 19,000 14.7% 13,000 10.1% 32,000 12.4%
2012 19,000 14.9% 14,000 11.7% 33,000 13.3%
2013 15,000 11.8% 14,000 12.0% 29,000 11.9%

Source: Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec, Claimant count, ONS

1. Levels rounded to the nearest thousand.
2. Rates are calculated on unrounded figures


Email: Alan Winetrobe

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