
Local authority total and vacant housing stock, Scotland, March 2024

This statistical publication presents the latest data for local authority owned housing stock and for vacant local authority owned housing stock. Data is provided by local authorities to the Scottish Government as of 31st March each year.

Data and methodology

  1. Amendments have been made to Edinburgh vacant statistics, where stock earmarked for demolition is now marked as vacant. This has changed the historical totals for Edinburgh as well as the Scotland total.
  2. Aside from the Edinburgh revisions, there have been a small number of corrections to historical data in this publication, as we have reviewed the production of these statistics and found historical errors. There are no major revisions, aside from South Ayrshire in 2013 where the wrong cell was referenced in previously published data (changing from 96 to 262). Please refer to TblRevisions in the supporting excel file.
  3. To provide vacancy rates for each use of stock, the stock reported in stock 2 return is used. In a small number of cases the total stock reported in the stock 2 data collection, focusing on the normal use of stock do not match exactly the stock 1 return (used for tsStockType and tsStockAge). This is due to how the data were provided, data quality checks have since been added to the publication process. In these instances, the difference is minimal (less than 0% difference).
  4. Up until 2010, normal use stock included ‘other’ properties not available for normal use but not easily categorised into temporary homeless accommodation, stock to be demolished, low demand, or stock to be modernised. ‘Other’ units represent a very small number of units.


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