Local authority total and vacant housing stock, Scotland, March 2024
This statistical publication presents the latest data for local authority owned housing stock and for vacant local authority owned housing stock. Data is provided by local authorities to the Scottish Government as of 31st March each year.
This statistical publication presents latest figures to end March 2024 on vacant local authority stock collected from local authorities in the annual Scottish Government housing return.
Timeseries for annual data, along with local authority breakdowns, are contained in the supporting Excel tables.
The Scottish Government collect data on local authority stock in the annual housing return. It is usually reported in our annual housing statistics publication alongside other information relating to the management of local authority stock, but there has been in a delay in this report due to resourcing demands. The local authority stock data was ready for publication, so a decision was made to release this data as soon as possible.
An official statistics publication for Scotland
These statistics are official statistics. Official statistics are statistics that are produced by crown bodies, those acting on behalf of crown bodies, or those specified in statutory orders, as defined in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007.
Scottish Government statistics are regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics that all producers of official statistics should adhere to.
More information about Scottish Government statistics is available on the Scottish Government website.
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