
Local authority total and vacant housing stock, Scotland, March 2024

This statistical publication presents the latest data for local authority owned housing stock and for vacant local authority owned housing stock. Data is provided by local authorities to the Scottish Government as of 31st March each year.

Key Points

As of 31st March 2024:

  • there were 325,477 local authority housing stock units, a similar number to March 2023 (+1%, +2,331). There were 11,751 local authority housing stock units vacant, a similar number compared to the previous year (+0.9%, +107 units).
  • In total, 3.6% of the total local authority stock was vacant, however this includes stock that will be demolished or cannot be currently let as it needs modernisation.
  • 1.9% (5,640) of normal use (permanent lettings) stock was vacant. 10% (783) of stock used for temporary accommodation for homeless households was vacant. 3% of stock in low demand areas was vacant. The majority of stock earmarked for demolition (99%) and modernisation (95%) was vacant.
  • Since 2017 there have been increases in the total vacancy rate (2.0% to 3.6%) as well as the normal use of stock vacancy rate (0.8% to 1.9%)
  • The total vacancy rate in 2024 was highest in Renfrewshire (10.2%) and lowest in Moray (0.9%). Most vacant stock in Renfrewshire is earmarked for demolition (53%).
  • The highest vacancy rate for normal use stock was in Aberdeen City (9.0%), the rate has increased since 2020 (2.0%) and stock is vacant for longer. The lowest vacancy rate for normal use stock was in Moray (0.6%).
  • Numerically, North Lanarkshire saw the largest annual decrease in vacant stock (-471 units; -34%) and Edinburgh saw the largest annual increase in vacant stock (361 units; 40%). In Edinburgh, the stock that is vacant is not useable for normal lettings (demolition or part of a modernisation programme).



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