
Local Development Plan evidence report – defining Gypsies and Travellers: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the consultation 'Local development plan evidence report - defining Gypsies and Travellers' which ran from December 2022 to February 2023.

5. The impact on groups of protected characteristics

Question 4a

Question 4a asks "do you believe that this (or any) definition will have an impact on certain groups of protected characteristics?". This question was set to consult on matters related to the final Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) associated with the local development planning regulations. There were 37 responses to this part of the question.

Option Total Percent
Yes 20 48.78%
No 17 41.46%
Not Answered 4 9.76%

Overall, more respondents believe that there would be an impact on groups of protected characteristics.

Question 4b

Question 4b asks, "if so, do you imagine this to be positive or negative and why?". There were 22 responses to this part of the question. Of these responses, seven suggest a potential negative impact, seven suggest a potential positive impact, and eight suggest that the impact could go in either or both direction, or they were unsure of the impact.


Of the respondents who suggest a negative impact, two were organisations and five were individuals. These respondents reported concern that the proposed (or any) definition can have harmful consequences to ethnic Gypsy/Travellers due to the cultural sensitivities of defining multiple communities. One response also highlighted concern for Travelling Showpeople, particularly the elderly population.

Of the respondents who suggest a positive impact, three were planning authorities, two were organisations and two were individuals. These respondents believe that this (or any) definition can enable a wider reach of community members to have their needs met, encourage consultation, and create tailored solutions for Gypsies and Travellers of old age, disabilities and poorer health.

Of the respondents who suggest mixed, limited or uncertain impact, three were planning authorities, two were organisations and three were individuals. Four of these responses emphasised that the actual impact would depend on the final definition and how clear it is. Other responses reported uncertainty or limited impact.

These responses will inform the final EQIA related to local development planning regulations.



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