
Local development planning - regulations and guidance consultation: part C - local development planning - draft guidance

Part C of the local development planning - regulations and guidance consultation sets out: (1) the overall aims and expectations for new style LDPs; (2) the process of how to achieve a new style plans; (3) and detailed thematic guidance on how new style plans are to implement policies in NPF4.


1. This Draft Guidance is structured in 3 sections. Each has a different purpose in guiding the preparation of new style Local Development Plans (LDPs). An overview is provided in Figure 1.

  • Section 1 sets out the aims and expectations for new style plans. It provides an indication of what they should be like in the future.
  • Section 2 sets out the process of how to achieve a new style plan. It covers the legislative requirements, how these are met and responsibilities.
  • Section 3 sets out detailed thematic guidance on how new style plans are expected to implement the draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) policies for the development and use of land.

2. The three parts to this Draft Guidance should be considered together with the draft NPF4 and relevant legislation to give a full understanding of all requirements and guidance for LDPs. The guidance is intended to assist and support planning authorities and others with an interest in LDPs, rather than to create additional requirements. Authorities are expected to consider how the guidance can be applied in a proportionate and place-based way and to use their discretion in establishing the components of the advice which are relevant to their plan preparation.

3. This Guidance will be a live document, providing flexibility for it to be reviewed and updated as the new development planning system is implemented and lessons are learnt from practice. Creative solutions and innovation, led by planning authorities and others, will be shared as they emerge.

Figure 1 – New Style Plans

Section 1: Aims

This sets out the aims

and expectations for new

style plans

Development Plans

Purpose of Planning


Plans for the Future

Delivery Focused


People Centred



Section 2: Process

This sets out the

process of how to achieve

a new style plan

Local Development Planning


Development Plan Scheme

Delivery Programme

Local Place Plans


Evidence Report

Gate Check

Proposed Plan


Adoption & Delivery




Legislative Requirements



Bigger Picture

Section 3: Themes

This sets out thematic

guidance on implementing NPF

policy through new style plans

Evidence Report

Proposed Plan

Delivery Programme



Sustainable Places

Liveable Places

Productive Places

Distinctive Places



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