
Local Food for Everyone: Our Journey

‘Local Food for Everyone: Our Journey’, is the Scottish Government’s new local food strategy. This strategy builds upon the ideas and suggestions from the ‘Local Food for Everyone: A Discussion’ consultation and reflects some of the policy developments and actions that are already underway.

Ministerial Foreword

On 20 August 2021, the Scottish Government published ‘Local Food for Everyone: A Discussion’ to consult on our draft Local Food Strategy. This strategy set out our vision for local food as a central pillar in building the wealth and vibrancy of our local communities and creating a Good Food Nation that all people can enjoy.

We published the consultation analysis on 13 July 2022 which showed broad agreement with the draft strategy as outlined in the consultation and it also provided significant insights into barriers that exist and areas where more focus is needed.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all who contributed to our consultation as well as those who have participated in the local food steering group which was formed as a result of the consultation.

I am delighted to share our ambitious local food strategy ’Local Food for Everyone: Our Journey’, which builds upon the ideas and suggestions from the consultation and reflects some of the policy developments and actions that are already underway.

Mairi Gougeon MSP

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands



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