
Local government 2019-2020 provisional outturn and 2020-2021 budget estimates – capital expenditure

This publication summarises the 2019 to 2020 provisional outturn and 2020 to 2021 budget estimates for local authority capital expenditure.

Executive Summary

2019-20 Provisional Outturn

  • Provisional outturn for capital expenditure in 2019-20 is £3,798 million – an increase of 32 per cent, or £913 million, on 2018-19.
  • Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Education are the services with highest provisional capital expenditure, accounting for £940 million and £701 million in 2019-20 respectively.
  • Provisional outturn figures show that the majority of local authorities’ 2019-20 capital expenditure will be financed from Scottish Government Grants (34 per cent); borrowing (31 per cent); and credit arrangements (18 per cent).
  • Total External Debt is 96 per cent of the Capital Financing Requirement (CFR) which means local authorities remained under-borrowed in 2019-20.

2020-21 Budget Estimates

  • Budgeted capital expenditure for 2020-21 is £4,310 million – an increase of two per cent, or £98 million, on the 2019-20 budget.
  • HRA and Education are the services budgeted to have the highest capital expenditure in 2020-21, accounting for £1,184 million and £922 million of budgeted capital expenditure respectively.
  • Local authorities have budgeted for the majority of their 2020-21 capital expenditure to be financed from borrowing (52 per cent) and Scottish Government Grants (27 per cent).
  • Total External Debt is budgeted to be 96 per cent of CFR which means local authorities expect to remain under-borrowed in 2020-21.



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