Local Government 2020-21 Provisional Outturn and 2021-22 Budget Estimates

This publication summarises the 2020-21 provisional outturn and 2021-22 budget estimates for revenue and capital services provided by Scottish local authorities.


1 Service income is any income received directly relating to services, for example service-specific grants or fees / charges received for the provision of services.

2 Figures exclude amounts relating to a local authority’s direct provision of housing which is recorded in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The Housing Revenue Accounts Statistics published in February 2021 included 2020-21 budget estimates for local authority’s HRA.

3 Figures include amounts relating to a local authority’s direct provision of housing which is recorded in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

4 A sale and leaseback transaction is where the owner of an asset sells it to a third party and then leases the same asset back from the new owner. The original owner, in this case Glasgow City Council, will then recognise the leased asset as capital expenditure incurred, whilst also recording income from the capital receipts generated by the sale of the asset.

5 Capital grants from Scottish Government include capital allocations paid to local authorities as part of the Local Government Finance Settlement. Details of these allocations can be found in the relevant Local Government Finance Circular.

6 The Prudential Code limits local authorities’ borrowing in advance to the CFR amount plus up to two years’ planned capital expenditure to be funded from borrowing.


Email: lgfstats@gov.scot

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