Local Government Candidates Survey 2022

A voluntary demographic survey of candidates running in the Scottish Local Government elections of 2022

14. Trans Status

In keeping with Scotland's 2022 Census[14], a question was incorporated into the survey asking respondents of their Trans status. The question wording was formulated in accordance with the voluntary question contained within the census, namely asking respondents "Do you consider yourself to be Trans, or have a Trans history?", to those who answered yes respondents were asked for a follow up descriptor.

Responses, demonstrate that 1% of respondents identified as Trans, 4% preferred not to answer and 96% did not identify as Trans.

It should be noted that as this question was not asked as part of the census until 2022 and results have yet to be released it has not been possible to undertake any comparisons with the overall Scottish population at this time.

Figure 27: Electoral outcome by Trans status

Bar chart visualising proportion of respondents split by trans status. The chart shows that the majority of respondents did not identify as trans.

Disaggregating results by candidates who were successfully elected and those who were not highlights that no respondents to the survey who identified as Trans were elected (Figure 27).


Email: Arfan.Iqbal@Gov.Scot

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