Local government finance circular 5/2023: non-domestic rates relief guidance
General information relating to current arrangements for non-domestic rates reliefs in 2023 to 2024
Religious exemption from rates
- The key legislation is section 22 of the Valuation and Rating (Scotland) Act 1956.
- Buildings occupied by a religious body for the purpose of religious worship or related administration, and halls used in connection with such buildings and their occupiers’ purpose, are exempt from rates.
- The council decides whether premises are used as a place of worship or related administration. Church halls may be ineligible if they are used mainly for non-religious purposes.
- Although not a statutory requirement, some councils request applications for monitoring purposes.
- Councils may also offer relief to properties occupied by an institution or organisation which was not established or conducted for profit and whose main object is religious.[1]
- As the activity is non-economic in nature, organisations would generally not be regarded as undertakings and the relief would likely not be considered a subsidy.
[1] Section 4(5)(b) of the Local Government (Financial Provisions etc.) (Scotland) Act 1962.
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