
Local government organisations: list

Information on local government organisations in Scotland and links to their respective websites.


The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) was formed in 1975 to act as an interface between local authorities and central government. It also acts as the employers' association for local authorities, negotiating on conditions of services with trade unions, on behalf of local authority employees. All of Scotland's 32 councils are members of COSLA.


There is also a range of organisations representing the interests of particular professional groupings within Scottish local government. These include the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE), a membership organisation that represents local government Chief Executives and senior managers. Its members in Scottish local authorities belong to its Scottish branch.

Organisations for local government professionals

Other professional organisations representing the interests of professional sectors in local government include:


Phone: 0131 244 4280

Local Government Policy and Relationships Team
Area 3G North
Victoria Quay

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