
Local Housing Allowance rates

Local Housing Allowance rates from April 2016 - March 2017.

The April 2016 – March 2017 Local Housing Allowance rates are set out below.

Any policy enquiries should be directed to the Department for Work and Pensions

Weekly Scottish LHA report for April 2016 to March 2017 (effective from April 2016)

BRMA Name 1 Bedroom Shared 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4 Bedrooms
Aberdeen and Shire 75.63 127.25 162.24 184.94 235.97
Argyll and Bute 61.36 84.23 103.56 120.29 180.00
Ayrshires 62.69 80.55 97.81 115.07 158.90
Dumfries and Galloway 59.44 80.55 97.81 108.26 129.47
Dundee and Angus 57.69 79.24 103.85 128.19 189.07
East Dunbartonshire 66.43 97.81 116.53 160.38 221.42
Fife 59.95 81.58 102.56 120.29 174.81
Forth Valley 62.38 83.91 103.56 126.57 181.80
Greater Glasgow 68.28 92.06 116.53 137.31 206.03
Highland and Islands 59.04 91.81 110.72 126.92 160.38
Lothian 68.27 116.52 145.43 186.47 276.92
North Lanarkshire 59.44 80.55 99.06 114.23 167.31
Perth and Kinross 57.69 82.40 105.94 137.31 183.46
Renfrewshire/Inverclyde 60.00 80.55 101.26 126.57 190.80
Scottish Borders 56.96 72.00 92.05 109.31 138.46
South Lanarkshire 63.46 80.77 103.56 126.92 180.00
West Dunbartonshire 63.46 86.30 103.56 115.07 169.69
West Lothian 60.03 97.81 117.69 133.85 180.45

Local Housing Accommodation Methodology

The table below shows the method used to produce the Local Housing Allowance rates in accordance with statute.

Column two: the LHA rates applicable from April 2015 to March 2016.

Column three: the 30th percentile figures shown here are taken from twelve cumulative months of lettings information collected up to the end of September 2015.

Column four: the rates are either frozen or reduced in accordance with the Rent Officers Order 2015.

Column five: the resulting LHA rates effective from April 2016

BRMA LHA Rate from April 2015 - March 2016 30th percentile market rents September 2015 Rates frozen or reduced to 30th percentile LHA rates from April 2016 - March2017
Aberdeen and Shire
1 Bedroom Shared £75.63 £92.05 £75.63 £75.63
1 Bedroom £127.25 £149.59 £127.25 £127.25
2 Bedroom £162.24 £184.11 £162.24 £162.24
3 Bedroom £184.94 £218.63 £184.94 £184.94
4 Bedroom £235.97 £299.18 £235.97 £235.97
Argyll and Bute
1 Bedroom Shared £61.36 £67.74 £61.36 £61.36
1 Bedroom £84.23 £86.30 £84.23 £84.23
2 Bedroom £103.85 £103.56 £103.56 £103.56
3 Bedroom £120.29 £120.82 £120.29 £120.29
4 Bedroom £180.00 £195.62 £180.00 £180.00
1 Bedroom Shared £62.69 £63.29 £62.69 £62.69
1 Bedroom £80.77 £80.55 £80.55 £80.55
2 Bedroom £98.08 £97.81 £97.81 £97.81
3 Bedroom £115.37 £115.07 £115.07 £115.07
4 Bedroom £158.90 £161.10 £158.90 £158.90
Dumfries and Galloway
1 Bedroom Shared £59.44 £60.99 £59.44 £59.44
1 Bedroom £80.77 £80.55 £80.55 £80.55
2 Bedroom £98.08 £97.81 £97.81 £97.81
3 Bedroom £108.26 £109.31 £108.26 £108.26
4 Bedroom £129.47 £131.18 £129.47 £129.47
Dundee and Angus
1 Bedroom Shared £57.69 £61.99 £57.69 £57.69
1 Bedroom £79.24 £80.55 £79.24 £79.24
2 Bedroom £103.85 £109.31 £103.85 £103.85
3 Bedroom £128.19 £136.93 £128.19 £128.19
4 Bedroom £189.07 £195.62 £189.07 £189.07
East Dunbartonshire
1 Bedroom Shared £66.43 £69.04 £66.43 £66.43
1 Bedroom £99.06 £97.81 £97.81 £97.81
2 Bedroom £116.53 £120.82 £116.53 £116.53
3 Bedroom £160.38 £161.10 £160.38 £160.38
4 Bedroom £221.42 £230.14 £221.42 £221.42
1 Bedroom Shared £59.95 £63.29 £59.95 £59.95
1 Bedroom £81.58 £82.85 £81.58 £81.58
2 Bedroom £102.56 £103.56 £102.56 £102.56
3 Bedroom £120.29 £120.82 £120.29 £120.29
4 Bedroom £174.81 £178.36 £174.81 £174.81
Forth Valley
1 Bedroom Shared £62.38 £63.29 £62.38 £62.38
1 Bedroom £83.91 £84.00 £83.91 £83.91
2 Bedroom £103.85 £103.56 £103.56 £103.56
3 Bedroom £126.92 £126.57 £126.57 £126.57
4 Bedroom £181.80 £182.96 £181.80 £181.80
Local Housing Allowance figures.pdf



Telephone: 0300 244 4000

Scottish Government
Housing, Regeneration and Welfare Directorate
Victoria Quay

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