
Local Housing Strategy Guidance

Guidance for local authorities to assist in the preparation of Local Housing Strategies.

Ministerial Foreword

Margaret Burgess MSP Minister for Housing and Welfare photograph

A home is a basic requirement for everyone and providing housing is a key economic driver in Scotland. This is recognised in the Scottish Government's vision, that all people in Scotland live in high quality sustainable homes that they can afford and that meet their needs. Ensuring the delivery of good quality housing, to high energy efficiency standards, in sustainable communities that can thrive and support a healthy and productive lifestyle, is a key responsibility of the Scottish Government and all 32 local authorities.

This guidance has been produced to support local authorities corporately, in their statutory requirement to develop a local housing strategy, which is the sole strategic document for housing of all tenures and for all housing-related services. The guidance is intended to help local authorities, in consultation with their partners in all sectors, to set out a clear vision for housing in their area, over the next 5 years that supports public service reform principles and national and local priority outcomes for local people.

Housing is a key player in so many areas of our lives; the local housing strategy brings all these areas together into one cohesive approach. Areas that the strategy should cover include, the integration of health and social care for adults, fuel poverty and climate change, homelessness and the accommodation needs of Gypsy/Travellers.

Given the scope and pivotal role of the local housing strategy, it will need to be developed through partnership and reflect the priorities identified by the Community Planning Partnership, in the Single Outcome Agreement. Housing developers and housebuilders, Registered Social Landlords, Third Sector organisations, community groups and residents should all have a say.

The development of this guidance, has seen officials from several local authorities, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers working jointly with the Scottish Government in its preparation. I am very grateful for all their help and advice, and commend this guidance to local authorities across Scotland.

Margaret Burgess MSP Minister for Housing and Welfare signature

Margaret Burgess MSP
Minister for Housing and Welfare


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