
Local Housing System Analysis: Demography and local housing systems

This guide provides practical assistance on how to carry out Local Housing System Analysis.

Guidance on how to build an understanding about the inter-relationship between demographic patterns, aspiration and choice, and housing demand and need, specifically: 

  • Explains the different definitions of household used in estimates/projection work, and how demographic analysis can inform understanding of how local housing systems operate 
  •  Identifies the questions to pose when considering demographic trends from a housing perspective
  •  Explains the different ways in which household socio-economic circumstances, aspirations and choices shape the location, tenure and type of housing sought and consumed
  •  Indicates the data sources that can be used to investigate demographic patterns
  • Discusses the use of scenario development and commissioning research where available information is not robust or where very little is known about certain household groups


LHSA: Demography and local housing systems



Murdo MacPherson - Head of Housing Market Analysis - 0131 244 0803
Charles Brown - Statistician - 0131 244 0870

Centre for Housing Market Analysis
Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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