
Local Housing System Analysis: Housing supply

This guide provides practical assistance on how to carry out Local Housing System Analysis.

The purpose of this chapter is to explain how to analyse housing supply within a particular area in a way that subsequently allows understanding of its overall adequacy, and identification of key supply problems that need to be addressed. 
In this chapter therefore we will establish how to:

  • Define, categorise and describe existing supply
  • Use available and new information to measure important aspects of existing supply
  • Assess the ways in which existing stock is being used
  • Measure and understand the impact of new supply

And how, through completing these tasks, to provide a clear understanding of the structure of the supply side of a local housing system.



LHSA: Housing supply



Murdo MacPherson - Head of Housing Market Analysis - 0131 244 0803
Charles Brown - Statistician - 0131 244 0870

Centre for Housing Market Analysis
Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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