
Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods - planning guidance: consultation

We are seeking views on this draft guidance on local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods to support the implementation of National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4).


Please click on weblinks for further information.

Active travel

Making journeys in physically active ways, including walking, wheeling, (wheelchair or mobility aid) or cycling.

About Active Travel | Paths for All

Circular economy

A circular economy is one that is designed to reduce the demand for raw material in products; to encourage reuse, repair and manufacture by designing products and materials to last as long as possible in line with the waste hierarchy.

Prevention – If you can’t prevent then…

Prepare for reuse – If you can’t prepare for reuse then…

Recycle – If you cant recycle then…

Recover other value (e.g. energy) – If you can’t recover value then…

Disposal – Landfill if no alternative available.

Community Planning Partnerships

A community planning partnership (CPP) is the name given to all those services coming together to take part in community planning. There are 32 CPPs across Scotland, one for each council area.

Community transport

Providing flexible and accessible community-led solutions in response to unmet local transport needs.

What is Community Transport? | Community Transport Association (

Community wealth building

A people-centred approach to local economic development, which redirects wealth back into the local economy, and places control and benefits into the hands of local people.

Demand responsive transport

A flexible service that provides shared transport to users who specify their desired location and time of pick-up and drop-off.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Software that blends the power of a map with the power of a database to create, manage and analyse information, particularly information about location.

What is GIS mapping | OS Tools & Support (

Local Development Plans

Local Development Plans (LDPs) set out how our local places will change into the future, including where development should and should not happen. They form part of the statutory 'development plan' and will, alongside the National Planning Framework, be the main basis for all decisions on planning applications.

Local Place Plans

Community-led plans setting out proposals for the development and use of land and a community's aspirations for its future development. Once completed and registered by the planning authority, they are to be taken into account in the preparation of the relevant Local Development Plan.

Planning circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans - (

Mobility hubs

A recognisable place with an offer of different and connected transport modes supplemented with enhanced facilities and information features to both attract and benefit the traveller.

Strategic Transport Projects Review 2

National Performance Framework

A framework which measures Scotland's progress against the National Outcomes. It uses 'National Indicators' which give a measure of national wellbeing and include a range of economic, social and environmental indicators.

What it is | National Performance Framework

Net zero

Scotland has set a target to become 'Net Zero' by 2045. This means the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we put into the atmosphere and the amount we are able to take out will add up to zero.

Participatory Budgeting

A democratic process in which citizens decide directly how to spend part of a public budget.

Participatory budgeting - Community empowerment - (

Place and Wellbeing Outcomes

Based on the Place Standard Tool, they provide a consistent and comprehensive focus for where place impacts on the wellbeing of people and planet. They match the key 20 minute neighbourhood features being identified and pursued internationally and fall under five overarching themes of movement, spaces, resources, civic and stewardship.

Place and Wellbeing Outcomes | Our Place

Place Based Framework

A common framework for considering place-based working. Provides a mechanism for how place-based working can be implemented effectively, with the goal of making sure that efforts, investments and resources are brought together for the greatest overall benefit.

Place Based Approaches | Our Place

The Place Based Framework | Our Place

Place Based Investment Programme

A programme to link and align all place-based funding initiatives to create a coherent approach to building resilient communities, addressing inequalities and supporting an inclusive, wellbeing economy in local settings.

Place Based Investment & Infrastructure | Our Place

Place Principle

All those responsible for providing services and looking after assets in a place need to work and plan together, and with local communities, to improve the lives of people, support inclusive and sustainable economic growth and create more successful places.

Place Standard

A tool that used to assess the quality of a place.

Quick Guide - Place Standard

Shared transport

Schemes such as car clubs and bike share where people can use a mode of transport without having to own it.

Sustainable travel hierarchy

The National Transport Strategy 2 Sustainable Travel Hierarchy should be used in decision making by promoting walking, wheeling, cycling, public transport and shared transport options in preference to single occupancy private car use for the movement of people. The efficient and sustainable freight transport for the movement of goods, particularly the shift from road to rail should also be promoted.

Town Centre Action Plan

The Town Centre Action Plan 2 published in April 2022 Joint Response to the Review of the Town Centre Action Plan was developed jointly with COSLA to respond to the recommendations of A New Future for Scotland's Town Centres, which was commissioned by Ministers. TCAP2 builds on and reaffirms our commitment to the town centre first principle approach and develops a refreshed vision for our towns and the means to achieve it. It is a call to action and sets out some of the ways in which we can all seek to do our part, locally and nationally, in rebuilding, reenergising and reimagining our towns to meet place and country ambitions.


Town Centre First Principle

The Town Centre First Principle asks that government, local authorities, the wider public sector, businesses and communities put the health of town centres at the heart of decision making. It seeks to deliver the best local outcomes, align policies and target available resources to prioritise town centre sites, encouraging vibrancy, equality and diversity.


Email: localliving&

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