Health and social care integration - localities: guidance

Information about locality arrangements covering some of the practicalities that Integration Authorities should take into account when establishing and supporting localities.

2 How is this Guidance Set Out?

2.1 This guidance covers the following topics:

  • Who should read this guidance?
  • What other guidance is relevant?
  • What is this guidance for?
  • What are localities?
  • What are the legal requirements on Integration Authorities relating to localities?
    • In the Act
    • In Regulations
  • Who should be involved in localities?
  • How should localities work in practice?
  • What is the relationship between localities and community planning?
  • Partners participating in localities:
    • General Practice
    • Primary Care
    • Secondary Care
    • Housing
    • Social Work and Social Care
    • Third, voluntary and independent sector
    • Communities
  • Summary



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