
Long Term Monitoring of Health Inequalities: Headline Indicators – October 2015

Annual update of the 'Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities' headline indicators.

HealthyLiving Awards

Indicator Source: NHS Health Scotland

Latest Results

  • In October 2016, a total of 776 catering establishments, serving 226,331 customers, held the HealthyLiving Award (HLA) or HLA Plus award.
  • Of these, 246 are first term HLA awards and 332 are renewed awards. A further 198 establishments hold the HealthyLiving Plus Award.

Table 1: Number of businesses with HealthyLiving Awards

2006 6 6
2007 140 140
2008 374 374
2009 602 496 106
2010 656 353 283 20
2011 675 295 291 89
2012 680 241 315 124
2013 625 185 315 125
2014 686 231 273 182
2015 757 260 294 203
2016 776 246 332 198

About This Indicator

Desired Outcome:

Reduced consumption of high energy food and drink in workplaces.

Relevant Route Map action:

Two actions to encourage participation in HealthyLiving award scheme.

Geography available:


Equalities data: Not applicable

Rationale for including this indicator

The aim of this indicator is to assess the take-up of HealthyLiving awards by companies. The HealthyLiving Award, introduced in 2006, recognises catering establishments for serving healthier food and finding ways of helping their customers make better food choices. The award is open to all kinds of catering places from sandwich shops to staff restaurants, and increasing the number of establishments with this award will play a part in improving diet across Scotland. For all organisations already participating, the HealthyLiving Award plus offers an opportunity to achieve step increases in the required ratio of healthy options to other options on the menus from participating caterers.

Evidence from existing literature[11] suggests a low level of evidence for the effectiveness of consumer targeted incentives but with potentially high levels of population effectiveness. The ScotPHN engagement process for the Route Map[12] assessed the action as having high impact with medium to high effort.

Factors influencing this indicator:

  • Exposure to high energy foods.


Email: Craig Kellock

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