Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities March 2023 report

Annual update of the long-term monitoring of health inequalities headline indicators.


1. Covid-19 in Scotland. Indirect health Impacts – A&E attendances. https://data.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/detail.html#2_indirect_health_impacts

2. National Records of Scotland. Life Expectancy in Scotland, 2019-2021 report. Life Expectancy in Scotland, 2019 - 2021, Report (nrscotland.gov.uk)

3. Scottish Government. First death of patient from Coronavirus (COVID-19) First death of patient from Coronavirus (COVID-19) - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

4. National Records of Scotland. Avoidable Mortality 2021. Avoidable Mortality 2021, Report (nrscotland.gov.uk)

5. National Records of Scotland. Winter Mortality in Scotland 2020/21. Winter Mortality in Scotland 2020/21: Report (nrscotland.gov.uk)

6. National Records of Scotland. Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland, Report (nrscotland.gov.uk)

7. Public Health Scotland. COVID-19 wider impacts on the health care system. COVID-19 wider impacts (shinyapps.io)

8. Dale, C.E., Takhar, R., Carragher, R. et al. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cardiovascular disease prevention and management. Nat Med 29, 219–225 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-02158-7

9. National Records of Scotland. Scotland's Population 2021. The Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends. Scotland's Population 2021 (nrscotland.gov.uk)

10. COVID-19 Recover Committee. Excess Deaths in Scotland since the start of the pandemic, Scottish Parliament. Excess deaths in Scotland since the start of the pandemic | Scottish Parliament Website

11. Scottish Government. Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities. March 2022 Report. Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities (www.gov.scot)

12. Public Health Scotland. Cancer Incidence in Scotland, to December 2020. Cancer Incidence in Scotland (publichealthscotland.scot)

13. Web tables accompanying this publication include incidence inequality data for prostate cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung, and colorectal cancer.

14. Public Health Scotland. Cancer Mortality in Scotland, annual update to 2021. https://www.publichealthscotland.scot/media/15989/2022-10-25-cancer-mortality-report.pdf

15. Web tables accompanying this publication include mortality inequality data for prostate cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the trachea, bronchus and lung, and colorectal cancer.

16. Public Health Scotland. Alcohol related hospital statistics: Scotland financial year 202 to 2022. Alcohol related hospital statistics - Scotland financial year 2021 to 2022 - Alcohol related hospital statistics - Publications - Public Health Scotland

17. Public Health Scotland. Alcohol sales and harm in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alcohol sales and harm in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic (publichealthscotland.scot)

18. Public Health Scotland. Drug-Related Hospital Statistics, Scotland 2021/22. Drug-Related Hospital Statistics (publichealthscotland.scot)

19. Public Health Scotland. Drug-Related Hospital Statistics, Scotland 2021/22. Drug-Related Hospital Statistics (publichealthscotland.scot)

20. Scottish Cancer Registry – Quality Assurance Cancer | Scottish Cancer Registry | Quality Assurance | Health Topics | ISD Scotland

21. Quality of National Records of Scotland (NRS) Data on Deaths Quality of National Records of Scotland (NRS) Data on Deaths | National Records of Scotland (nrscotland.gov.uk)

22. National Records of Scotland. Alcohol-specific deaths Alcohol-specific deaths | National Records of Scotland (nrscotland.gov.uk)

23. Public Health Scotland. Births in Scotland Alcohol-specific deaths | National Records of Scotland (nrscotland.gov.uk)

24. Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. Growth charts Growth charts (rcpch.ac.uk)


Email: morag.shepherd@gov.scot

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