Long-term Monitoring of Health Inequalities March 2023 report

Annual update of the long-term monitoring of health inequalities headline indicators.


The indicators monitored by this report series are:

Headline indicators of health inequalities

  • Healthy life expectancy (HLE)
  • Premature mortality from all causes (aged under 75 years)
  • Mental wellbeing of adults (aged 16+)

Indicators of inequalities in morbidity and mortality

  • First ever hospital admission for heart attack (aged under 75 years)
  • Coronary heart disease (CHD): deaths (aged 45-74 years)
  • Cancer: incidence (aged under 75 years)
  • Cancer: deaths (aged 45-74 years)
  • Alcohol: first hospital admissions (aged under 75 years)
  • Alcohol: deaths (aged 45-74 years)
  • All-cause mortality (aged 15-44 years)
  • Low birthweight
  • Healthy birthweight
  • Self-assessed health of adults (aged 16+)
  • Limiting long-term conditions amongst adults (aged 16+)
  • Drugs: hospital admissions (aged under 75 years)

This year's report does not include results for the mental wellbeing, self-assessed health or limiting long-term conditions indicators. These indicators are based on two combined years of Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) data and are produced every second year. They were due to be included in this report, however, data collection in 2020 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and it is therefore not possible to produce data for 2019/2020. These indicators will be included in the next report, using 2021/2022 data.

Supplementary tables showing the most up-to-date trends in relative and absolute inequalities for all indicators are available in the supporting files section.


Email: morag.shepherd@gov.scot

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