Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Scottish Colleges: 2016-2017

Employment and earnings outcomes for those successfully completing a Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Higher National Diploma (HND) course at Scottish college in 2012-2013 and who go on to employment, with no further enrolments in tertiary education.

Annex B: Further Study and FE

This release focuses on those who complete an HNC or HND and go on to work, and have no further enrolments in tertiary education.

The next planned release of LEO data will aim to look at a wider selection of college provision, including:

  • College students completing FE who continue into further study at college or university.
  • College students completing HE who continue into further study at college or university.
  • College students who complete FE courses.

Further work is required to identify those within the LEO universities data who previously participated in college prior to university. These students will already be included in the LEO universities release, and from this we know those who leave education with a university qualification are likely to earn a higher wage than those who move into employment directly from college. A fuller picture of earnings for all college completers will be possible once students that previously attended college are identified in the LEO universities data.

Work will be carried out following this release in collaboration with the SFC to identify individuals moving into further study.

Further work is required to look at the median total earnings of those completing FE courses. However early analysis has been carried out on these individuals to provide high level earnings figures. The median total earnings for those who completed full-time FE courses at college and were in sustained employment in the 2016/17 tax year was £13,800. Males earned £2,600 more than females, with males earning a median of £15,300 compared to £12,700 for females.

The process used to calculate the FE figures is still undergoing quality assurance, and as such these outputs should be treated with caution as they are subject to change.


Email: Euan.Shields@gov.scot

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