Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Scottish Colleges: 2016-2017

Employment and earnings outcomes for those successfully completing a Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Higher National Diploma (HND) course at Scottish college in 2012-2013 and who go on to employment, with no further enrolments in tertiary education.

Introduction to the College to Employment LEO release

Colleges provide an opportunity for individuals to obtain the appropriate skills and knowledge necessary to find employment in a particular field of interest or gain additional qualifications needed to enter university.

Individuals included in this release must have been studying a full-time HNC/HND course at college and left in 2012/13 with a successful outcome, and be recorded as in sustained employment in the 2016/17 tax year.

This experimental release reports the total earnings of individuals who have completed a course at a Scottish college three full tax years after completion.

Total earnings represent the sum of the annualised PAYE earnings and raw self-assessment earnings.

The median earnings presented in this release should not be used as a way to rank courses, colleges or levels of study, nor to draw any conclusions about earnings gaps, due to the limitations of the LEO data.

  • The PAYE and self-assessment systems do not collect information on the number of hours worked, therefore we cannot make distinctions between part‑time and full-time earnings. As a result gender comparisons should be treated with caution as we know in general more females work part-time compared to males, and this will also apply to certain occupational groupings where there is a higher proportion of part-time workers.
  • Earnings can vary greatly across different regions of Scotland. The PAYE and self-assessment systems do not collect information on the location of an individual's employment; meaning we cannot account for any regional variations.


Email: Euan.Shields@gov.scot

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