
Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Universities: 2014-15: Scotland

This experimental statistics release presents employment and earnings outcomes for graduates five years after graduation.

Scotland and GB Comparison

Figure 2 shows a comparison of the distribution of annualised earnings of graduates from 2008/09 for Scottish and all GB HEIs five years after graduation. Of the 23 subject areas, graduates of Scottish HEIs have higher median earnings in 10 of the subject areas compared to the median earnings for all GB HEIs, and have the same median earnings for Historical & philosophical studies.

Earnings of graduates also varied across subjects. For example, those who studied Medicine & Dentistry at Scottish HEIs had median earnings of £48,000 five years after graduation. In contrast, those who studied Creative Arts & Design at Scottish HEIs had median earnings of £19,700 five years after graduation.

Median earnings can vary between subject and institution for various reasons. See 'Data Quality' for some of the issues to consider when looking at this data.

Subjects are ordered from those with the highest median earnings to the lowest median earnings for Scotland. The boxes represent the inter-quartile range - the earnings of the middle 50 per cent of graduates in each subject will fall in the box.

Figure 2: Comparison of distributions of annualised earnings of graduates* for each subject area five year after graduation (lower quartile, median and upper quartile), Scotland [2] and GB

Figure 2: Comparison of distributions of annualised earnings of graduates* for each subject area five year after graduation (lower quartile, median and upper quartile), Scotland[2] and GB

* UK domiciled First degree qualifiers 2008/09


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