
Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Universities: 2015-16: Scotland

This experimental statistics release presents employment and earnings outcomes for graduates of higher education five years after graduation.


Figure 3 shows the annualised median earnings for graduates from Scottish Institutions and subject area five years after graduation split by gender. It shows that in most subjects, males have higher median earnings than females five years after graduation.

Median earnings can vary between subject and gender for various reasons. See 'Data Quality' for some of the issues to consider when looking at this data.

Figure 3: Comparison of distributions of annualised earnings of graduates* for each subject area five year after graduation (lower quartile, median and upper quartile), male and female, Scotland, 2015/16
Figure 3: Comparison of distributions of annualised earnings of graduates* for each subject area five year after graduation (lower quartile, median and upper quartile), male and female, Scotland, 2015/16
* UK domiciled First degree qualifiers 2009-10

Table 1: Median annualised earnings of graduates* by subject studied and gender five years after graduation, 2015/16

Subject Median earnings 2009-10 cohort
Male Female Scotland
Medicine & Dentistry 49,800 46,900 48,100
Veterinary Science 38,100 34,400 35,300
Economics 35,000 34,900 35,000
Engineering & Technology 35,200 32,300 34,700
Mathematical Sciences 32,700 30,400 31,800
Education 30,000 30,000 30,000
Law 30,600 28,500 29,500
Architecture, Building & Planning 29,400 27,000 28,700
Physical Sciences 28,600 26,700 27,600
Nursing 30,200 27,300 27,500
Computer Science 27,300 25,000 26,900
Business & Administrative Studies 28,700 25,300 26,700
Subjects Allied to Medicine (excluding Nursing) 29,900 25,700 26,300
Languages (excluding English Studies) 28,300 25,200 26,100
Social Studies (excluding Economics) 26,000 24,500 25,200
Historical & Philosophical Studies 25,700 24,300 25,100
Biological Sciences (excluding Psychology) 25,100 24,200 24,600
Agriculture & Related Subjects 26,600 21,600 23,700
English Studies 22,200 24,300 23,500
Psychology 22,200 22,700 22,700
Mass Communications & Documentation 22,000 21,800 21,800
Combined 18,700 22,200 20,200
Creative Arts & Design 20,400 19,500 19,700

* UK domiciled First degree qualifiers 2009-10


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