Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Modern Apprenticeships: 2016-17: Scotland

The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Modern Apprenticeships (MA) release provides details on earnings of those who completed MAs in Scotland. This release has median earnings split by key characteristics of individuals, such as gender, age, occupation, and SIMD quintile.

Sex and Occupational Grouping

Table 1 shows median total earnings by occupational grouping and sex. The median total earnings of individuals who completed MAs in 2011/12 was £21,000 five years after completion. Males earned more than females across each occupational groupings. The smallest gap for occupational groupings was in 'Financial Services' and 'Creative and Cultural Skills', where males earned £300 more than females. The largest gap was seen in 'Other Services', where males earned £9,700 more.

Overall, females who completed MAs earned £16,000 five years after completion, £9,800 less than males, who earned £25,800. The overall difference in earnings between sexes can partially be explained by the number of males and females in certain occupational groupings. More males in 2011/12 completed MAs in occupational groupings with higher median earnings such as 'Construction and Related', and more females completed MAs in occupational groupings with lower median earnings such as 'Sport, Health and Social Care'. However, males still earn more than females across each occupational groupings. Further information on what frameworks are contained within each occupational grouping is available in the Glossary section of this release.

Table 1: Total earnings for 2011/12 MA completers by sex and occupational grouping: 2016/17 tax year

Occupational grouping of Framework Median total earnings 2011/12 cohort (£)
Female Male Total
Engineering and Energy 30,600 34,600 34,600
Transport and Logistics 21,000 27,800 27,700
Construction and Related 23,100 27,700 27,600
Chemicals and Biotechnology Related x x 27,100
Management 23,100 30,000 26,400
Automotive x x 25,800
Financial Services 24,900 25,200 25,200
Other Services 17,100 26,800 25,100
Other Manufacture x x 24,600
Creative and Cultural Skills 21,900 22,200 21,900
All occupations 16,000 25,800 21,000
Food and Drink 16,100 19,900 18,600
Animal Care, Land and Water Based 12,900 18,400 18,000
Administration and related 17,200 19,200 17,500
Retail and Customer Service 16,000 18,400 17,300
Hospitality 15,600 19,100 17,000
Sport, Health and Social Care 14,900 19,500 15,500
Personal Services 12,600 14,800 12,800

Note: Hours worked are not taken into account.
'x' denotes that data have been suppressed to prevent disclosure.

Figure 1: Total earnings for 2011/12 MA completers by occupational grouping and sex (lower quartile, median and upper quartile): 2016/17 tax year

Figure 1: Total earnings for 2011/12 MA completers by occupational grouping and sex (lower quartile, median and upper quartile): 2016/17 tax yearNote: Hours worked are not taken into account.
Suppressed data not included


Email: Euan.Shields@gov.scot

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