Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Modern Apprenticeships: 2016-17: Scotland

The Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) from Modern Apprenticeships (MA) release provides details on earnings of those who completed MAs in Scotland. This release has median earnings split by key characteristics of individuals, such as gender, age, occupation, and SIMD quintile.

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)

Table 4 shows the median total earnings for completers of MAs five years after completion split by SIMD quintiles and SVQ level. Individuals from the 20% most deprived areas (Q1) had the lowest earnings of £18,700.

The highest earnings were seen for individuals from the 20% least deprived areas (Q5), with earnings of £23,200. The largest difference between adjacent quintiles is seen in Q1 and Q2, where individuals from Q2 earned £1,500 more than those from Q1. The smallest difference was between Q4 and Q5, where individuals from Q5 earned £300 more than those from Q4.

Individuals from Q1 consistently have the lowest earnings across all SVQ levels, whereas those from Q5 have the highest. The gap between adjacent quintiles is still the largest between Q1 and Q2 for those completing an MA of SVQ level 3 or 4, however for those completing an MA of SVQ level 2 the gap is largest between Q4 and Q5.

Further information on SIMD quintiles is available in the 'Data Quality' section of this release.

Table 4: Total earnings for 2011/12 MA completers by SIMD and SVQ level: 2016/17 tax year

SIMD Quintile Median total earnings 2011/12 cohort (£)
SVQ Level 2 SVQ Levels 3 or 4 Total
Q1 - 20% most deprived 16,200 21,100 18,700
Q2 16,500 22,800 20,200
Q3 17,100 24,200 21,500
Q4 17,200 25,500 22,900
Q5 - 20% least deprived 18,000 26,200 23,200

Note: Only includes Scottish domiciled completers of MAs in Scotland: 2011/12, as SIMD is not available for non-Scottish domiciled completers.
Hours worked are not taken into account.


Email: Euan.Shields@gov.scot

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