Longitudinal Educational Outcomes (LEO) from Universities: 2016-17: Scotland

This Official Statistics release presents employment and earnings outcomes for graduates of higher education five years after graduation.

Developments & Improvements

Since the previous release in June 2018 of Graduate Outcomes by University (subject and gender), there have been a number of developments & improvements in the LEO data and the publication:

  • This release is now published as Official Statistics.
  • Median earnings now include PAYE and self-employed graduates as part of a total earnings figure. As such numbers in this release are not comparable to last years publication as only PAYE was reported.
  • Subjects are now grouped by the Common Aggregation Hierarchy (CAH). Previously they were grouped by the Joint Academic Coding System (JACS). See ‘Data Quality’ for more information on this change.
  • Median earnings by Disability and Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) have been included for the first time in this release. Further work is underway to include more equalities data in future releases.


Email: FHEstatistics@gov.scot

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