
Looked after children and young people: we can and must do better

Report of the Ministerial Working Group on educational outcomes for looked after children and young people.

Appendix A / Membership of Group

Peter Peacock MSP

At the time of his membership of the group and until 14 November 2006, Peter Peacock was the Minister for Education and Young People. His portfolio responsibilities included school education, nurseries, children's services, social work, HM Inspectorate of Education, HM Social Work Inspectorate and the Scottish Qualifications Authority.

Robert Brown MSP

Robert is Deputy Education Minister and his portfolio responsibilities include pre-school education and children and young people.

Allan Wilson MSP

Allan is Deputy Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning and his portfolio responsibilities include transitions to work and skills for life and work.

Cllr Rev Ewan Aitken

At the time of his membership of the Working Group, Ewan was an the Executive Member for children and families in the City of Edinburgh Council and Education Spokesperson for the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities. He is now Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council. He is also on the Pupil/Student Support Committee and Advisory Committee on Youth Services and the Executive (Educational Matters). He has interests in Dunedin Housing Association, Youthlink Scotland and the Ripple Project and he is a member of the Iona Community and the Church of Scotland and an Oxfam supporter.

David Cameron

David is Director of Children's Services in Stirling Council. He was previously Head of Education in East Lothian and has a considerable background as a Teacher, Adviser and Development Officer.

Julie-Anne Jamieson

Julie-Anne is Head of Employability and part of the senior management team in the Scottish Enterprise area of Careers Scotland. She has a specific responsibility for interventions to prevent young people becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) and to support those young people who are already NEET into sustainable opportunities. Julie-Anne also has responsibility for Additional Support Needs and sits on the Scottish Executive ASN Advisory group.

Tom Watson

Tom is a director of Fairbridge, which is a charity offering young people a combination of individually tailored support packages and structured activities in 15 of the most disadvantaged areas in the UK. Tom was also part of the SE core group that was involved in developing the NEET strategy. He also worked on the Employability Framework.

Anna Fowlie

Anna is Team Leader - Children and Young People in the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ( COSLA). She is the policy lead for integrated children's services, education, children and families social work and youth justice and is a member of a variety of national working groups on children's issues. She also has a role within COSLA's Employers' Function.

Lynne Isaacs

Lynne originally trained as a police officer and then retrained as a residential social worker. She has been a foster carer for 26 years, 14 of which have been in Angus. Lynne has been a member of the Children's Hearing system. She is active in the Angus Foster Carers Association which fundraises to take fostered children on trips. Lynne is a member of the Angus Carers' Consultative Groups which takes forward general issues and concerns raised by foster carers to Angus Council. She is very interested in fostered children obtaining the best education possible and sees this education forum as a positive step.

Anne Gibson

Anne has worked with HM Inspectorate for Education ( HMIE) for almost 4 years, mainly inspecting community learning and development provision. She was recently appointed as Lead Inspector Inclusion with responsibility for leading tasks on integrated community schools and "Count Us In". Anne chairs the cross directorate Inclusion Reference Group within the Inspectorate and is responsible for the strategic development of inclusion. She is a qualified primary and secondary teacher and has a post graduate qualification in community education - youth and community work. She has worked in community education in Edinburgh and the Lothians for a number of years and was an Integration Manager for New Community Schools in East Lothian prior to joining the Inspectorate.

Damion Hartley

Damion Hartley is from Inverness and has been involved in a range of developments relating to young people leaving care. Damion has been involved with Barnardos Springboard project, participating in staff recruitment and planning activities for young people. He is also a Columba 1400 leadership academy graduate and is involved with the Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum's Debate Project. Damion is currently a member of the steering group that is setting up the Care Action Group with SCCYP.

James MacKenzie

James is currently head teacher at Williamwood High School, East Renfrewshire. He is a Graduate of Glasgow University (Mathematics) and Jordanhill College. He taught in Riverside Secondary School Glasgow and eventually became Head Teacher Dumbarton Academy in 1990. Whilst at Dumbarton Academy he chaired the Scottish Office Working Party on "Computer Ethics and Internet". James was appointed Head Teacher in Williamwood High School East Renfrewshire in 1996. His particular interests are in Pupil Support and Social Inclusion and the use of ICT in Learning & Teaching. James was seconded for 18 months to the core design team for the PPP school building project of which a new Williamwood High School (opening 2006) was the major constituent. Outwith school, James was a member of the Royal Naval Reserve for 24 years and served from 1986 to 1996 as Commanding Officer of an ocean going minesweeper.

Hugh Mackintosh, OBE

Hugh has been Director, Barnardo's Scotland since 1991. He holds a Masters Degree in Social Services Management and his practice background is primarily in residential childcare, including 6 years spent at the Caldecott Community in Kent where he was Assistant Director. In 1981 Hugh undertook the initial work which led to the formation of SCAFA, now Children in Scotland.

Scottish Executive Officials:

Colin MacLean

Head of Children, Young People and Social Care Group, Education Department

Rachel Edgar

Head of Looked After Children and Youthwork Division, Education Department

Shirley Laing

Head of Looked After Children Branch, Education Department

Robert Kelman

Looked After Children Branch, Education Department

Graham McCann

Educational Outcomes Development Worker, Looked after Children Branch, Education Department

Anne-Margaret Thompson

Educational Outcomes Development Worker, Looked after Children Branch, Education Department

Trudi Sharp

Head of New Educational Developments Division, Education Department

Melanie Weldon

Post-School Transition, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Department

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