Low carbon heating in domestic buildings – technical feasibility: archetype appendix

Archetype appendix which accompanies the ‘Technical Feasibility of Low Carbon Heating in Domestic Buildings' report.

This archetype appendix, available as two Excel (xlsx) downloads, contains the domestic archetypes and technical suitability results for the research publication ‘Technical Feasibility of Low Carbon Heating in Domestic Buildings’ (December 2020), which was carried out by Element Energy and Energy Saving Trust for the Scottish Government.

Due to file size constraints, the Excel sheets have been split in two, a 2017 technical feasibility sheet and a 2040 technical feasibility sheet.

The suitability of low-carbon heating technologies within the Scottish housing stock will change over time as homes become more energy efficient. The analysis originally assumed households would reach Energy Performance Certificate band C by 2040, as set out under the Energy Efficient Scotland Route Map (2018). However, this Route Map has since been superseded by the Heat in Buildings Strategy (2021), which sets more ambitious targets for residential energy efficiency. As such, the date of 2040 itself should be viewed as notional and should not materially affect the technical feasibility results.

Read more information about the methodology underpinning the construction of domestic archetypes for Scotland and the assessment of the technical suitability of low-carbon heating in them is provided in the main research report.

There are also two appendices which sit alongside this archetype appendix - the technical appendix as well as a cost appendix.


Email: zeroemissionsheat@gov.scot

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