Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: capital projects - March 2024

Information on the projects which have received funding through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme.

SHARC Wastewater Heat Recovery Bandwith Demonstration Project

Project Organisation:

SHARC Energy Company

Technology type(s):

SHARC Energy systems – sewage heat recovery


Aqualibrium Leisure Centre, (Argyll and Bute)

Grant value:


Completion date:

September 2018

Project description:

SHARC Energy Company installed a SHARC Energy sewage heat recovery system using a water source heat pump to transfer heat from wastewater into the clean water steam which then heats Aqualibrium Leisure Centre. In addition to the SHARC units, sewer diversion and wet wall excavations and installations took place.

The project is estimated to provide carbon savings of 43% when using brown grid electricity compared to using the existing boiler plant. The calculated total carbon savings from the project are 541 tonnes CO2e.


Email: HeatNetworkFund@gov.scot

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