
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme: closed invitations

Information on closed funding invitations from the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP).

The Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) has successfully  launched a number of different funding calls seeking applications for projects specifically targeting different themes. Further information on all of our closed funding invitations can be found below.

Closed invitations

Green Recovery: Low Carbon Energy Project Capital Funding


This LCITP funding invitation targeted a minimum of £50 million of support for projects that demonstrated innovative low carbon heat solutions for buildings, as well as proposals for integrated energy systems that supported the ambitions for Scotland to achieve net zero emissions by 2045 and further catalyse economic recovery from the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This fair and open funding invitation was designed to stimulate and accelerate the delivery of renewable low carbon energy opportunities across Scotland, including the provision of support to projects in urban, rural, island and remote parts of Scotland and areas that are off gas grid.

Projects were required to be of a large scale and based in Scotland. As well as delivering emissions reductions, successful projects also demonstrated economic and social benefits for Scotland and were replicable. LCITP wished to consider support for projects at capital readiness that could demonstrate a funding gap.

Green Recovery: Low Carbon Energy Project Development Funding 

The Green Recovery: Low Carbon Energy Project Development Funding invitation June 2020, targeted a minimum of £1 million development support for projects with potential to deploy low carbon heat and/or renewable electricity solutions for buildings, as well as proposals for integrated energy systems that support the ambitions for Scotland to achieve net zero emissions by 2045 as well as catalyse economic recovery from the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This fair and open funding invitation was designed to stimulate and accelerate the development of a pipeline of low carbon energy opportunities across Scotland. This  included the provision of support to projects in urban, rural, island and remote parts of Scotland and areas that are off gas grid. 

LCITP considered support for projects in development in order to create a pipeline for future deployment and to build viable business cases. For this invitation, funding supported the development of full investment grade business cases, with a view to projects advancing towards eligibility for future capital support by the Scottish Government through the LCITP and its successor scheme(s) or to secure other sources of capital investment.

Scottish Low Carbon Heat Funding 

The Scottish Low Carbon Heat Funding invitation September 2019 targeted a minimum of £30 million of support for projects that demonstrate innovative and low carbon ways of heating buildings. 

This fair and open funding invitation was designed to accelerate the delivery of large scale innovative low carbon heat infrastructure projects that support the ambitions for Scotland to achieve net zero emissions by 2045.

Projects had to be of a scale and based in Scotland. This support will provide financial assistance for up to 50% of the total eligible capital costs of a project up to a maximum of £10 million per project, where capital costs covered financial costs associated with the build and installation of an exemplar project (i.e. purchasing of physical assets). The successful projects had to be innovative, demonstrating economic, social and low carbon benefits for Scotland and be replicable.

This financial support was designed to encourage innovation of technology, design and business models. The financial support focussed on low carbon heat generation solutions and measures which supported the decarbonisation of heat in Scotland. As a result this contributed to Scotland’s carbon reduction ambitions.

Further information and how to apply was given as follows:

Scottish Low Carbon Heat Funding invitation: call paper
Scottish Low Carbon Heat Funding invitation: application form and guidance notes
Scottish Low Carbon Heat Funding invitation: webinar (applications closed on 25 October 2019)

Low Carbon Innovation Funding 

We designed the Low Carbon Innovation Funding invitation to accelerate the delivery of large-scale, innovative low-carbon infrastructure projects that support the ambitions set out within the Scottish Energy Strategy.

The financial support focused on the development and demonstration of innovative low carbon and/or renewable electricity and heat generation solutions, as well as proposals that supported the transition to ultra-low emission vehicles for Scotland and contributed to our emissions reduction targets.

Stage 1 Development funding of up to £100,000 was offered to help develop project proposals to become investment-ready. Applications closed on 30 April 2018.

Project proposals to become investment-ready had tobe completed by 30 June 2019.

Stage 2 Capital funding was offered to projects that had a completed investment case and demonstrated a readiness for capital support. Projects had tobe of a significant scale and based in Scotland. This support provided financial assistance for up to 50% of the total capital value of a project, up to a maximum of £10 million per project where capital value covered financial costs associated with the build and installation of an exemplar project.

Nine projects were successful in obtaining grant funding of over £16.5 million.

Key documents:

Innovative Local Energy Systems (ILES) invitation 

We designed this invitation to support and accelerate the development and delivery of innovative, local, low-carbon energy opportunities across Scotland. In particular, it aimed to support solutions in rural and remote parts of Scotland, smaller towns and settlements, and areas that are off the gas grid.

This invitation was for Stage 1 support (up to £100,000) and focused on developing full, investment-ready business proposals. Applications closed in June 2017.

We have published a list of projects supported by the ILES invitation.

Transformational Low Carbon Demonstrator invitation

We designed this invitation to accelerate the delivery of large-scale and transformational low-carbon infrastructure projects in Scotland. Projects had to be of a significant scale and based in Scotland, and could have a total project value of up to £40 million.

The invitation offered to provide financial support for up to 50% of the total capital value of the project (up to £20 million) where capital value covers financial costs associated with the build and installation of an exemplar project. Applications closed in November 2016.

We have published a list of projects supported by the transformational demonstrator invitation.

Previous LCITP invitations (archived)

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