
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP): call for evidence

This Call for Evidence seeks input on actions to modify and enhance the range of support mechanisms currently provided by Scottish Government through the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP) for development and delivery of large-scale low and zero carbon heat in buildings projects.

Summary Of Call For Evidence Questions

Summary Of Call For Evidence Questions
Question Number Question
1 Please provide views on the impact of LCITP support to date, in particular on the three stages of support provided. Please explain your views
2 How should the LCITP successor programme best reflect enhanced policy ambitions set out in the 2020 Climate Change Plan Update and the draft heat in Buildings Strategy? Please explain your views.
3 Do you agree with the barriers outlined above? Please explain your views.
4 Are there additional barriers to low and zero carbon heat project delivery? Please explain your views.
5 What role should the new programme play in addressing challenges and barriers? Please explain your views.
6 Do you agree with the priorities outlined above? Please explain your views.
7 Are there further specific gaps in project support that should be filled? Please explain your views.
8 What types of pre-capital support would help to support low and zero carbon heat projects? Please explain your views.
9 Do you support the widening of the scope of the Heat Network Partnership to cover other low and zero carbon heat projects? Please explain your views.
10 How can the programme best support delivery of LHEES from 2023? Please explain your views.
11 How can the programme best support place based integrated partnership delivery? Please explain your views.
12 What types of financial mechanism would help to support low and zero carbon heat projects? Please explain your views.
13 Please provide evidence of how capital funding can be deployed to help attract private sector finance and accelerate the delivery of low carbon technologies.
14 Please provide your views on timings of competitive funding rounds.



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