
Low Carbon Scotland: behaviours framework

This framework outlines what we will do to drive and support the move to low carbon living in the lead-up to the first key climate change target in 2020.

What about Business Engagement?

Businesses play an important role in contributing towards a low carbon Scotland, both in terms of reducing their own emissions, and in setting an example to other sectors of society. Many Scottish businesses have already taken significant steps to improve or reduce their impact on the environment, and it is increasingly recognised that being able to demonstrate green credentials can offer substantial benefits in terms of attracting and retaining customers and contracts. It is vital that we support businesses on this journey, and encourage others to follow suit.

The 2020 Climate Group has a wide range of business members in Scotland including major power companies, utility companies, transport companies and retailers. A key aim of the group is to lead by example in helping Scotland achieve the 42% emissions reduction target by 2020. The group is currently identifying its ‘13 priority actions for 2013’ which will shortly be available to view on the 2020 website:

Many of the behaviours we are encouraging households to adopt are equally relevant in a workplace environment – reducing emissions from travel, energy use, food and waste. Many Scottish businesses are already taking steps to ensure their staff are fully engaged in the journey towards ‘being green’ and are taking responsibility for changes that are being made within the business.

In 2012, the Scottish Government, in partnership with Defra and the 2020 Climate Group, commissioned some research into low carbon staff engagement, producing an easy-to-read guidance booklet, Better Business: How To Go Greener With Staff To Improve Performance [8] . A follow-up event supporting businesses on this journey took place in January 2013, and the Scottish Government will look at providing further support to businesses throughout 2013-14 and beyond.

‘Resource Efficient Scotland’, to be launched in spring 2013, will provide a one-stop resource efficiency advice service for businesses, on cutting waste and the efficient use of materials, water and energy.


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