
Low Carbon Scotland: behaviours framework

This framework outlines what we will do to drive and support the move to low carbon living in the lead-up to the first key climate change target in 2020.

How will the Scottish Government support Low Carbon Behaviours?

The Scottish Government is committed to supporting the policies and proposals announced in the RPP with a broad spectrum of behaviour-related interventions. Some of these are outlined as follows:

  • Greener Together Campaign – we will continue to support this national campaign. Greener Together was first launched in January 2012 with a helpline and website, and aims to encourage the uptake of the ten key behaviours This is supported by individual behaviour-specific campaigns, such as the Active Travel campaign planned for mid-2013.
  • ISM Tool – we will:
    • publish a user guide on the Individual, Social and Material ( ISM) tool for behaviour change in spring 2013 [9] ;
    • deliver workshops on the ISM tool for government officials responsible for the proposals and policies put forward in the RPP2 in 2013-14;
    • offer a series of introductory workshops to NGOs, intermediaries and other partners throughout 2013-14 on the practical application of the ISM tool.
  • Low Carbon Pilot Projects – we are commissioning a series of projects to test out innovative ideas for influencing behaviours. These include a range of small scale projects focusing on one or two specific behaviours, such as working with Zero Waste Scotland to launch a ‘doggy bags’ campaign in Edinburgh and Glasgow restaurants to raise consumer awareness of and reduce food waste; partnering with Sustrans to establish an electric bikes ‘hub’ in Cairngorm National Park to encourage take-up of cycling in the area; and working with Energy Saving Trust to develop a series of YouTube videos on how to adjust heating thermostats to help people reduce emissions in their own homes.We will also assess the viability of commissioning some larger scale exemplar projects.
  • Low Carbon Networks – we will continue to work with and support a range of networks which help promote the adoption of the ten key behaviours – including Eco-Schools Scotland, the Scottish Communities Climate Action Network, Eco-congregation Scotland; the Sustainable Scotland Network, CIFAL Scotland, and the Sustainable Development Education Network. We are also keen to engage with other organisations and networks on the 10 KBAs.
  • Low Carbon Business Engagement – we will continue to support business engagement through a variety of organisations and initiatives, including the 2020 Climate Group, Scottish Business in the Community, the VIBES Awards, the Environmental Placement Programme, Choose Another Way and Resource Efficient Scotland. We are also keen to build new partnerships in this area.
  • Climate Challenge Fund ( CCF) – we are continuing to support this successful community fund, and £10.3 million per annum is committed over the years 2012-13 to 2014-15. CCF criteria has been revised to allow for projects to generate revenue (within state aid rules); the establishment of a Youth Panel to assess applications to the Junior Climate Challenge Fund ( JCCF); and new development grants to be made available for disadvantaged communities, black and ethnic minority communities, and the JCCF.
  • Active Travel and Alternative Travel Options – we will continue to provide support through grants to Sustrans, Cycling Scotland and Paths for All, support for car clubs, and Energy Saving Trust support for electric vehicles, travel planning and fuel-efficient driving.
  • Low Carbon Dialogues – a range of people outwith our regular stakeholder network will be invited to take part in Low Carbon Dialogues with the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, starting in March 2013. The themes for these bi-annual discussions will include both mitigation and adaptation issues with a focus on behaviour change.
  • Installation of Household Energy Efficiency Measures – we will continue to offer support to householders to help increase energy efficiency, for example through the National Retrofit Programme. The full list of measures and schemes available can be found at:


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