Health - redesign of urgent care: evaluation - main report

The Redesign of Urgent Care pathway aims to improve patients’ access to urgent care. The evaluation captured patient and staff experiences of the pathway and analysed key urgent care delivery metrics, enhancing our understanding of what is working well and areas for improvement.


A&E - Accident & Emergency Department (Type 1 Department).

Please note for the Patient Survey and Discontinued Caller survey the term A&E is used to refer to the Emergency Department and is not used as an umbrella term for both the Emergency Department and Minor Injuries Unit. Alternatively, for the analysis of existing data (i.e. interrupted time series analysis), the term A&E refers to the collective term for Accident and Emergency services. It includes Emergency Departments, minor injury units and community A&Es or community casualty departments that are GP or nurse led. At some sites, A&E activity can also take place in trolleyed areas of assessment units, and this should be included in the reported A&E statistics.

A&E services - Accident & Emergency services (ED & MIU)

ED - Emergency Department (Type 1 Department)

Discontinued Caller – Survey respondent who tried to access the RUC pathway by calling NHS 24, but who ended the call before speaking to anyone

FNC - Flow Navigation Centre

GP - General Practice

IVR - Interactive Voice Response

MIU - Minor Injuries Unit

OOH - Out of Hours

PHS - Public Health Scotland

RAG - Research Advisory Group

RUC - Redesign Urgent Care

SAS - Scottish Ambulance Service

SIMD - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

SCDM - Senior Clinical Decision Maker

TTA – Time to Answer (refers to time for NHS 24 to answer calls)

Thematic Analysis - A qualitative research strategy for identifying, analysing, and reporting identifiable patterns or themes within data.



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