Making changes to let property: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results for making changes to let property.

Recommendations and Conclusion

We recognise that the data available does not allow a complete picture of the needs of those with protected characteristics. However, this assessment has allowed the opportunity to consider the impact on these groups as fully as possible. Our assessment has identified that new rights to give tenants greater flexibility to make changes to their rented home will have a neutral impact on people with protected characteristics in relation to the three aspects of the public sector equality duty.

We have identified this policy is likely to have a generally positive effect on all tenants including those with protected characteristics, allowing them greater control over their home. It may be particularly beneficial for families with children. Research highlights the benefits that increased control to personalise their home can have on wellbeing and increasing the likelihood a tenant will look after the property.

As part of the implementation of new rights, any guidance on the new rights or existing legislation should be should use a range of appropriate, accessible and inclusive means and methods, including internet and social by maximising understanding of changes to advance equality of opportunity particularly for disabled people and those from ethnic minorities.



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