
Making it Easy

A health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland


1 Comparative report on health literacy in eight EU member states. The European Health Literacy Project 2009-2012. Maastricht, HLS-EU Consortium, 2012 [Online] ( [accessed 15 May 2013]

2 Rowlands et al 'Defining and describing the mismatch between population health literacy and numeracy and health system complexity' 2014. Submitted for publication

3 Vernon, J et al (2007) Low Health Literacy: Implications for National Health Policy [online] available: [20th Feb 2010]

4 Scottish Government. Scottish Survey of Adult Literacies 2009: Report of Findings

5 Berkman ND, Sheridan SL, Donahue KE, Halpern DJ, Crotty K. Low health literacy and health outcomes: an updated systematic review. Ann Internal Medicine 2011; 155: 97-107

6 DeWalt DA, Berkman ND, Sheridan S, Lohr KN, Pignone MP 2004. Literacy and Health Outcomes. A Systematic review of the Literature. Journal of Internal Medicine 19: 1228-1239

7 Easton PM. Exploring the pathways to poor health in the 'hidden population' with low literacy. PhD thesis. University of Dundee 2011

8 Scottish Government. Pub. 2010 Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland - SG Website

9 Scottish Government. Pub. 2012. 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care - SG website

10 Bostock S Association between low functional health literacy and mortality in older adults: longitudinal cohort study BMJ2012;344doi: 15 March 2012)


Email: Graham Kramer

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