
Making the justice system better for victims: what did you tell us?

Easy read summary of the main findings from the consultation on improving victims' experiences of the justice system

Having a Victims’ Commissioner

The Scottish Government thinks that there should be a Victims’ Commissioner in Scotland.

This is a person who makes sure that the justice system works well for victims.

There was support for having a Victims’ Commissioner.

Some respondents said it would be important for the Victims’ Commissioner to be accessible for all victims.

This includes disabled people.

Respondents said that the Victims’ Commissioner should:

  • be in law and be independent - not part of the Scottish Government
  • that there should be different ways to report information to them
  • be a way to hear the views and experiences of victims
  • promote good ways of working for organisations in the justice system

There was a mix of views about the Victims’ Commissioner being involved in individual cases.

Some respondents said this should not happen.

They said the Victim's Commissioner should look at issues across the justice system and not just in individual cases.

Other respondents said:

  • it might help the Commissioner to learn about bigger issues like how the justice system works
  • some people might expect the Victims’ Commissioner to get involved in their case

Some respondents had concerns about the powers the Victims’ Commissioner would have and what work they would do.

These concerns included:

  • that work already being done by victims’ organisations must not be repeated by the Victims’ Commissioner
  • that victims should not be forced to take part in investigations carried out by the Victims' Commissioner



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