
Making a quality building warrant application: what you need to know

This guidance provides useful information on how to make a good quality building warrant application.

1 Purpose of the Guidance

Who should use it?

This guidance is intended for all applicants and agents submitting a building warrant application.

What does it cover?

Useful information is provided on what makes a good quality application.

An overview of the building standards system is given. This includes the roles and responsibilities of those involved, the building warrant process, and helpful information on what aspects are important when making an application.

Why do we need it?

The purpose of the guidance is to help applicants and agents understand what makes a good quality building warrant application. Providing the right information with your application will help the local authority verifier to check that the proposed building work meets the building regulations and should reduce the time taken for the verifier to approve your application.

When should you use it?

This will be particularly helpful for small domestic projects, however, it is a useful resource for all projects regardless of type of work.



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