Making a quality building warrant application: what you need to know

This guidance provides useful information on how to make a good quality building warrant application.

Annex B - Procedural Checklist

The following procedural items should be considered when making a building warrant application. This list is not exhaustive.

Application form

  • Correct form
    Use Which Form? on eBuilding Standards portal to ensure you submit the correct form
  • Complete form
    Ensure all sections of the form are completed
  • Sign form
  • Contact details for applicant/owner
  • Clear and concise description of the project


  • Correct fee
    Use Fee Calculator on eBuilding Standards portal to ensure you submit the correct fee. For further information on fees and the fee scale tables refer to the Procedural Handbook.
  • Correct discount applied
    If you are using an approved certifier of design or construction you are entitled to a discount on the building warrant fee where certificates are submitted with the building warrant application or you intend to use a certifier. Before declaring on the application you must be certain that you are using an approved certifier – if you are unsure, check with the relevant designer or contractor.
  • Pay fee in full at time of submission

Other considerations

  • Certification Schemes
    Using a certifier of design or construction can be beneficial to your project – refer to Why use an approved certifier? section of this guidance for further information.
  • Conversions
    Check that the design meets the regulations relevant to conversions – refer to Conversion section of this guidance for further information.
  • Other permissions
    Consider whether permissions from other authorities are required, e.g. Planning, Scottish Water/SEPA.
  • Alternative approach
    Confirm to verifier, perhaps in a covering letter, if any ‘alternative to guidance’ solutions have been sought or if compliance is demonstrated by meeting the guidance.
  • Scottish Type Approval Scheme (STAS)
    Include any relevant STAS reference in your application.



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