Making a quality building warrant application: what you need to know

This guidance provides useful information on how to make a good quality building warrant application.

3 Building Standards

Building standards system

The purpose of the building standards system in Scotland is to protect the public interest.

The system is pre-emptive and is designed to check that a proposed design meets building regulations, through the process of obtaining a building warrant. It is a legal requirement to have a building warrant before any work starts on site.

Building warrant process

Once you have identified that you need a building warrant, and the design has been completed, an application must be made to the local authority verifier.

The verifier will check the information submitted with the building warrant application and grant a warrant if they are satisfied that the design meets the building regulations. If it does not, the verifier will ask you for more information.

Types of work that require a building warrant and the main stages of the building warrant process, from application through to construction and completion, are explained in the Customer Journey.

Refer to annex A for a list of building standards guidance.

Difference between planning permission and building warrant

The building warrant gives permission to build. It confirms that the design has been shown to meet the building regulations. Planning permission mainly relates to the siting, appearance and use of the building and the effect this will have on the amenity and environment of the surrounding area.

The planning and building standards systems are entirely separate and operate under different legislation. Clarification should be sought from the relevant local authority planning department if you are unsure if planning permission is required for the work you are carrying out.



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