Making Scotland’s Future: a vision for manufacturing

Information on a programme of work to strengthen Scotland’s manufacturing sector


Making Scotland’s Future (MSF) is an established programme of work being taken forward collaboratively by the Scottish Government, agencies and partners towards the strengthening of Scotland’s Manufacturing sector.  The MSF vision is:

 For Scotland to become the home of manufacturing innovation, to be seen as an inventor and producer, not just a consumer of goods - innovative, thriving and international looking.

Cross-sectoral and interagency collaboration is a core and defining feature of Making Scotland’s Future. The programme brings together a range of key partners from the Scottish manufacturing support landscape into a variety of rolling workstreams aimed at boosting productivity and driving innovation within the sector.  These partners include the three regional enterprise agencies, Skills Development Scotland, the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), and other relevant centres of expertise.  For more details, see Programme and partners.

Meanwhile, a Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) meets quarterly to consider the big opportunities and challenges facing the sector.  The group brings senior business leaders from across the sector together with representatives with from our key delivery agencies. It is co-chaired by Kate Forbes, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic. For more details, see Strategic Leadership Group for Manufacturing.

​​​​​​​Scottish Enterprise facilitates a Making Scotland’s Future conference.  The last one was in May 2023.

Finally, MSF is underpinned by an extensive Manufacturing Support Network

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